Baggage Handling Systems
Create Robust Controls Before Going On Site
Growth in airport construction around the world has resulted in a clear requirement for robust, thoroughly tested baggage handling systems (BHS), delivered on time, and within budget. The reputation of an airport, and those who built it, stands or falls with the ability of its BHS to deliver bags to the right place, on time, every time. Add to this the risk of incurring operational penalties each time the system falls short of contractual obligations, and it becomes easy to understand why the use of Emulate3D Controls Testing is so widespread within this industry.
Emulate3D Controls Testing provides you with a flexible test bed to ensure your BHS control system will operate to specification, under all contractual operating conditions. By taking the logical controls testing off the project's critical path, your testing program is no longer subject to manufacturing and installation delays. For the same reason, testing can begin earlier in the project cycle, and be completed within schedule. Removing the majority of testing from the end of the project also means you've removed a major source of uncertainty from the schedule, making both cost and time estimates more accurate.
Emulate3D Baggage Handling models are built from supplied catalog items which accurately represent the equipment commonly used in BHS. You can modify these items to exactly suit your requirements, or easily replace them with your own company-specific equipment. By running modeled baggage into the model under your control, Emulate3D Controls Testing provides a repeatable and safe testing environment for your BHS control system.
Simulate Baggage Throughput
layout and testing different buffer sizes, overload and recovery situations is made simpler using Sim3D. Building data driven models based on customer supplied data is the only way to develop a resilient and flexible layout solution. Sim3D models lead to better solutions and a greater understanding of the system response to changing operational conditions. Sim3D reduces the risk associated with designing complex systems, and helps you communicate your solutions effectively to the project stakeholders.
Design Better BHS with Emulate3D
Your reputation depends on delivering a high quality system on time and on budget, and Emulate3D technology is an essential tool to help you achieve that.
Contact us now to find out how Emulate3D Controls Testing can reduce your baggage handling system testing times and costs.

Test the throughput of your tilt tray sorter